Classical Guitarist
Kim Sung-jin

한국을 대표하는 기타리스트 중 1인으로, 서울예고를 거쳐 독일 뮌스터 국립음대 “전문 연주자 과정”
(Kuenstlerische Reifepruefung)과 데트몰트 국립음대 “최고연주자과정”(Konzert examen)
졸업한 그는 독일 뮌스터 국립음대 예술 조교를 역임했으며 서울대, 한국예술종합학교, 서경대,등
강사를 역임했다.
이탈리아 “Guitarclass in Veneto” 예술 감독과 “Terni Guitar Masterclass” 초빙 교수, 그리고
루마니아 “Icon Arts 현대음악 페스티발” 교수 및 제4, 5회 코리아국제기타페스티벌 총감독을
역임하였다. 앙상블에도 많은 관심을 두어 Gran Guitar Ensemble 단장으로 가일플레이어즈를

One of the representative guitarists in Korea, he graduated from Seoul Arts High School
and the “Professional Performer Course” (Kuenstlerische Reifepruefung) of the National
University of Music in Münster, Germany and the “Best Performer Course” (Konzert
examen) of the National University of Music in Detmold, Germany. He served as an artistic
assistant at the National University of Music in Münster, Germany and as a lecturer at
Seoul National University, Korea National University of Arts, and Seogyeong University.
He served as the artistic director of the “Guitarclass in Veneto” in Italy, a visiting professor
at the “Terni Guitar Masterclass” in Italy, a professor at the “Icon Arts Contemporary Music
Festival” in Romania and the general director of the 4th and 5th Korea International
Guitar Festivals.
He also has a keen interest in ensembles and is currently leading the Gail Players as the director of the Gran Guitar Ensemble.

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